Темы ( до 35 стр.) на WordPress , что меня заинтересовали .

AA Love & Wedding v1.0 от TheUnknown
White and red love theme
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/aa-love-wedding-10.

Angel 1.0 от Boy Avianto
A bold red fixed 2-column clean layout
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/angel-10.

Aqua Fish 1.0 от Saroyama
«Aqua Fish» WordPress theme. 3 columns, right sidebars, witgets, blue, white, red, black colors, light slyle design.
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/aquafish.

AWETEX от Design Blog
Designed by Design Blog and available FREE at WordPress Themes Gallery
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/Awetex.

barbiegonebad 1.1 от CodeScheme
2 column, with RHSidebar widgets
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/barbie_gone_bad.

Bonsai-Grafixx 1.1 от Alice
A WordPress Theme by Alice
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/bonsai-grafixx-10.

Brownish Theme 1.0 от Ashish sharma
This is my theme for a WordPresstheme Box.
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/Brownish-Theme.

Butterfly 2.1 – updated 12/06 от Lisa Sabin-Wilson
A Butterfly Theme
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/butterfly-21.

Car Theme 1.0 от Ashish sharma
This is my theme for a WordPresstheme Box.
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/Car-Theme.

Cashflow101 от Design Blog
Designed by Design Blog and available FREE at WordPress Themes Gallery
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/Cashflow101.

Cat (кот) siteground-wp20 1.0 от SiteGround
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/cat-siteground.

CITRUS 0.6 от Nicola Laviola
An Avalonstar version modded by Nikynik
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/citrus-06.

Connections Reloaded 2.0.1 от Ajay D’Souza
Connections Reloaded Based on: Connections theme by Patricia Müller.
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/001/connections-reloaded.

Метки: fixed width, two columns, widgets, widget ready, valid CSS, valid XHTML, sidebar, header, easy customization, connections, connections reloaded, gravatars, widgetized, 2 columns, right sidebar

Constructor 0.6.8 от Anton Shevchuk
Wordpress Constructor Theme, it’s many-in-one theme (six layouts, configured colors, fonts and slideshow, widget ready). Build your own theme on settings page. For WordPress version 2.7+ (include 2.8)
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/constructor.

Метки: fixed-width, one-column, two-columns, three-columns, threaded-comments, custom-colors, custom-header, theme-options, left-sidebar, right-sidebar

Deviant 2.3 от Umair Anwer
Devaint is an advanced theme compatible with WordPress 2.3.x and prior versions.
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/deviant-23.

Dyne 1.1 от pswish_themes
Simple Oriental-style wordpress themes by Lorelei Web Design, with emphasis on typography styling. Based on «Desk Mess» by LaptopGeek.
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/001/dyne.

Метки: valid XHTML, fixed width, two columns, widgets, gravatars, right sidebar, white, green, oriental, simple

Eco Blog 1.5 от Natty WP
A WordPress Theme For Your Blog – Designed by Natty WP
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/001/eco-blog.

Метки: 2 column, personal page, nature, fixed width, widgets, gravatar support, valid XHTML, valid CSS, blue, green, left sidebar

Eto-Ya plus от Andrey K.
В теме больше 80 настроек, что позволяет сделать ваш блог совершенно уникальным. Можно задать фоновые цвета и изображения для различных блоков страниц блога, указать ширину страницы, бокового меню и основного блока, изм. высоту изобр. верхней части, показывать сайдбар слева/справа или вообще отключить, области для виджетов вверху и внизу страниц, вкл./откл. граватары, вкл./откл./изм./выпад. гориз. меню, доп. вариант отобр. ленты рубрики, второй заголовок страниц, поддержка post thumbnails. Созданные наборы настроек можно сохранять в виде файлов, которые затем можно закачать и применить. Так вы можете создать свою коллекцию дизайнов.
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/etoyaplus.

Метки: two-columns, one-column, blue, custom-colors, custom-header, theme-options, fixed-width, flexible-width, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, translation-ready

Eye of the Tiger от WordPress Pro’s
A cool theme that you can enjoy, Keep the link intact please, also check WordPress.pro for some more cool themes..
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/eye-of-the-tiger.

Fancy 1.1.8 от AZ Money
«Fancy» is a free WordPress theme which really lets your blog stand out from the crowd. Make your blog unique by changing the main blog color (pink, yellow, green), background pattern (available over 20 background variations), banner etc through an options page. In addition you have the ability to choose the color of sidebar blocks (violet, yellow, green). Tech folks might find interesting that we built this theme based on css framework «Blueprint». Valid CSS & HTML. Designed by AZ Money Web Design.
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/001/fancy.

Метки: yellow, pink, green, white, black, two-columns, right-sidebar, fixed-width, theme-options, threaded-comments

Fashioncolor 1.0 от Christine
2 Column blog with a fashion theme. The page menus are different colors and the colors can be tailored to your taste
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/fashioncolor.

Fashion siteground-wp30 1.0 от SiteGround
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/fashion-siteground-wp30.

Flawless Imperfection 1.0 от Colleen Chard
This theme features butterflies and not much else. It’s ideal for personal blogs. Name inspired by this quote, «Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly. – Robert Schuller»
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/flawless-imperfection-10.

Flirtatia 1.0 от Connie Veneracion
Sassy, understated and flirtatious, Активировать | Просмотреть
Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/flirtatia-10.

Flower Power 1.1 от Mark Hoodia
Simple and nice theme with very attractive flowers on header image.
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/001/flower-power.

Метки: pink, light, two-columns, fixed-width, left-sidebar

Flowers 1.0 от iwordpressthemes.com
Description: A WordPress Theme For Your Blog – Designed by Free wordpress themes
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/Flowers.

Fruit.Banana 1.0 от Chromatic Sites
Fruit themes with rich, bold, clean layouts. Choose between multiple fruits including Apples (red and green), Banana, Cherry, Orange, and Kiwi. Widget-Ready, Adsense-Ready, and more.
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/001/fruit.banana.

Fruit.Cherry 1.0 от Chromatic Sites
Fruit themes with rich, bold, clean layouts. Choose between multiple fruits including Apples (red and green), Banana, Cherry, Orange, and Kiwi. Widget-Ready, Adsense-Ready, and more.
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/001/fruit.cherry.

Fruit.Green Apple 1.0 от Chromatic Sites
Fruit themes with rich, bold, clean layouts. Choose between multiple fruits including Apples (red and green), Banana, Cherry, Orange, and Kiwi. Widget-Ready, Adsense-Ready, and more.
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/001/fruit.apple.green.

Fruit.Kiwi 1.0 от Chromatic Sites
Fruit themes with rich, bold, clean layouts. Choose between multiple fruits including Apples (red and green), Banana, Cherry, Orange, and Kiwi. Widget-Ready, Adsense-Ready, and more.
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/001/fruit.kiwi.

Fruit.Orange 1.0 от Chromatic Sites
Fruit themes with rich, bold, clean layouts. Choose between multiple fruits including Apples (red and green), Banana, Cherry, Orange, and Kiwi. Widget-Ready, Adsense-Ready, and more.
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/001/fruit.orange.

Fruit.Red Apple 1.0 от Chromatic Sites
Fruit themes with rich, bold, clean layouts. Choose between multiple fruits including Apples (red and green), Banana, Cherry, Orange, and Kiwi. Widget-Ready, Adsense-Ready, and more.
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/001/fruit.apple.red.

Graphene 1.8.4 от Syahir Hakim
We believe that every theme should facilitate creative writing, not hinder it. We also believe that each site should have the opportunity to be unique. Since the theme’s inception, we have received countless suggestions and requests on features that really matter. We listened, and we delivered. Here’s a theme that’s packed full of features that you need, yet far from being overwhelming. Here’s a theme that’s easy to use for beginners, yet well documented and powerful enough to be endlessly customisable to users with even only moderate technical skills. Here’s a theme that’s available in more than 30 languages and is backed with active community support, where questions, ideas and suggestions are always welcomed. And best of all, here’s a theme that’s completely free. Here’s a theme that’s yours to make it special.
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/001/graphene.

Метки: black, blue, white, one-column, two-columns, three-columns, right-sidebar, left-sidebar, fixed-width, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-background, custom-menu, editor-style, theme-options, threaded-comments, sticky-post, translation-ready, rtl-language-support, post-formats, featured-image-header, featured-images, full-width-template, microformats

Greener Side .4.6 от Adazing Design
Smell the fresh cut grass and feel the butterflies flutter past your face… It’s summer year round with this eye-catching fixed width two-column design. With nice graphics and valid standards compliant CSS and HTML this is the perfect balance between an awesome design and clutter free content.
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/001/greener-side.

Метки: fixed-width, two-columns, right-sidebar, theme-options, threaded-comments, green, seasonal

Greenery 1.05 от LEMONed
Oh so green, and just waiting for a red customizable header.
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/greenery.

Метки: two columns, fixed width, green, custom header

Green Light 1.03 от TemplateLite.com
Green Light is a light on dark green theme design with a right sidebar and a nice image header. Rustic look. Brought to you free by Template Lite.
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/001/green-light.

Метки: green, fixed width, two columns, widget ready

GreenPoint Milanda 1.4 от Mila Vasileva
GreenPoint Milanda 1.3.EN WordPress Theme. Fixed width 980px, 3 columns. 6 sidebars – top, left, right, bottom, top-center, bottom-center. Widget Ready, AdSense ready. Picture in the header changes dynamically according different time of the day.
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/001/greenpoint-milanda.

Метки: fixed width, three columns, widgets, valid CSS, walid XHTML, widget ready, adsense ready, white, simple, left sidebar, right sidebar, top sidebar, bottom sidebar, white, green

Green Relax от Saroyama
Green Relax WordPress Theme. green, white, yellow colors, 3 columns, left sidebar, right sidebar, widgets.
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Файлы этой темы расположены в /themes/greenrelax.